
Young inventor uses technology as a catalyst for social change.

erfan nouraee science promoter

Toronto, Ontario Jul 16, 2024 ( - For Erfan Nouraee, his technological and scientific innovations go hand in hand with social responsibility.

I went on the internet and I found that a third of the worlds population is still without access to high-speed internet. It was then that I knew I had to do something, he said

His use of social challenges as a catalyst for technological innovation has seen him create a device called the Photon Detector to detect the particles of light and another to mitigate the noise-to-signal ratio in optical fibre communications. When he was sixteen years old, he learned about the digital broadband divide, where a community was suffering from the lack of internet access. It led to his first invention a device that could detect the particles of light. 

Photon Detector System increases the optical signals quality, prolongs the life of the fibre optic cables, and reduces their damaging byproducts, Erfan added. 

"That was moving for me. It was so quiet. No games. No TVs. Students tried to do their work online. But once the hotspot got turned off, they basically weren't able to go to school at all, the 22-year-old said. They'd been dealing with the spotty, unreliable connection they need for essential things like work, school and telehealth, he added. 

Nouraees astonishing work using technology to tackle a range of issues led to him being selected as WIPOs World IP Day Changemaker and an app to help youth with mental health challenges. It also led him to be one of the key participants in the recent Youth Activists Summit which took place in Geneva in November.

The Photon Detector will go a long way in helping communities, Erfan said. The invention was still under development and that I had considered several other ways of making it work efficiently.

Solving problems is at the heart of his passion. He is currently working on a way to detect parasites in drinking water to help people in . Erfan has a methodology, that he thinks can be useful for young people globally to help them look into solving problems at their own levels. His mission is to create a global community of young innovators to solve problems the world over.

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I'd take garbage and I'd glue them together and create inventions,  he said. Ive also used technology to tackle climate change and mental health challenges.

Education is the key to combat inequality, Erfan said.

My motivation was to address the rural-urban broadband digital divide, he said.

He sees his work as a scientist and inventor as a way to both promote equality and stand up for human rights.

My sensor has proven accurate 95 percent of the time and is more sensitive than current sensors, he said. fighting the digital broadband divide.


erfan nouraee unicef advocacyerfan nouraee scienceerfan nouraee unicef advocacyerfan nouraee young entrepreneur

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Source :Fiberlink Inc.

This article was originally published by IssueWire. Read the original article here.

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