
Life Coach Eric North aka “The Happiness Warrior” Shares the Secrets of Achieving True Happiness.

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New York City, New York Nov 2, 2023 ( - Author and life coach Eric North decides to spread the secrets of achieving true happiness in life which is quite busy nowadays. However, a few effective practices and perceptions can help everyone walk on the right path. A further view of Erics vision can help to understand it better. It might be difficult for many to believe but the truth is reality and personal values are not shaped or determined by others opinions. It can only guess what anyone else is thinking. It is because of the desire to feel safe and accepted. The pressing need to conform to keep human connections and status in place.

Eric talks about a state where being dishonest without revealing true feelings is expected. He depicts a world of predetermined paths, illogical rules, and false morality which is the reality. It is the common way of allowing one to control one with unsolicited judgment and shame. However, it should be undone by society as it is an unrighteous framework that encourages everyone to think and act as a group. A group mindset that discourages humans from living whole, truthful, and authentic lives. Its in this programming that humans are too often coerced by societal pressures. Forces that cause everyone to live their lives for the sake of others. Sacrificing the best of selves to satisfy the needs of the structures that bind and control lives. 

Being The Happiness Warrior who fights for true happiness, Eric believes that one is never truly happy until one can be honestly authentic and vulnerable. Its a phrase thats talked about so often, but rarely seen in practice. Its a mindset of growth and self-esteem. Authenticity is a state of constantly growing and learning. It is the headspace which is more of a safe space that helps one to focus on self-awareness and offers enough confidence to think for selves. Eric believes that destiny is tied to a sense of self-esteem and authenticity. Believing own self helps to transcend in the state of knowing and self-confidence. A greater sense of happiness comes when one learns to live with truth and reveal their vulnerability.

Genuine and authentic people show up for life above all else. They value happiness and live by core values. The greater good matters more than the individual. Going through times of confusion and turmoil is what helps to churn out leadership values. Only then people can be connected with wisdom and inner feelings without the need for validation from others. Authentic people have courage and are easily identified. The secret to living the life of own dreams is to be happy from within. The road to authenticity can have many setbacks and diversions. At first, it feels liberating, but soon someone goes on the attack and can cause retreat for a time. Marginalization and fear are part of the process. But it is also important to know when to fight back and respond with self-respect and reason. The truth will always reflect itself in actions and outcomes.

A better view of the traits of authentic people can help to know how to pursue the same route. They live in the present and find joy in their present condition. They know that life has a way of working itself out and are secure in their decisions and intentions. They listen to their heart and balance reactions with insight and wisdom. It is also required to be self-reflective and non-judgmental. Authenticity requires the ability to study and analyze own actions. Authentic people focus on the long-term and know that their actions in the present will reflect on future outcomes and happiness. They create lives with more meaning and understanding. Authentic people dont let others down and rely on their conscience to guide them. They hold themselves accountable and never allow themselves to be victims.

Authentic people should be aware of others in their shared space and see everyone for who they are without fear of perceived differences. They care about others in deeds and actions. False prayers and meaningless statements are never thought about or spoken. People who are consistent and hold themselves accountable for their actions will be more authentic to themselves with developed self-beliefs that guide their actions. Life is a journey of many contradictions and people should have a sense of self-discipline that relies on personal core values and wisdom. Authentic people value honesty above all else and choose the path of truth and conviction which helps them develop a higher sense of inner peace and well-being than others. And lastly, happy people attract other happy people and grow exponentially. They motivate and live by example. Life Coach Eric North can be also considered a prime example of that. Find The Happiness Warrior at

Source :Tom Estey Publicity & Promotion

This article was originally published by IssueWire. Read the original article here.

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